To join ABLL or renew your membership, please complete the electronic membership form.
Any person in the greater Boston area who is actively working in a law library, employed by an organization offering legal reference services, engaged in legislative research work, or otherwise interested in law librarianship may become a member of the Association of Boston Law Librarians upon payment of dues.
Membership includes access to educational luncheon meetings, the “hot topic” Brown Bag Lunch Series, online Membership Directory, and many other benefits. Access to the electronic ABLL Union List is also provided to participating lending libraries.
Membership dues are paid annually beginning June 1. The current annual cost is $110 for individual, vendor, and job-share memberships and $40 for students.
Membership dues include all fees to attend educational programs and other events, i.e., registration, food, beverages.
For ABLL W-9 Form, download here: W-9
For questions or additional assistance, please contact Danitta Wong, Membership Chair, at