Happy Thanksgiving ABLL!!!
Holiday Party
Join us on DECEMBER 10 from NOON to 1PM for gingerbread house decorating, light trivia, and general merriment! RSVP to Sarah Hart: Can’t make the party? We’d still love for you to participate in the vote that will take place after the event. Everyone who votes will be entered to win a $25 gift card to a place of their choosing. LOGISTICS: Do you have to decorate a gingerbread house to attend? No! There will ... Read more
Brown Bag Lunch: What are you doing with your print collection
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 863 0705 1933 Passcode: 480618 One tap mobile +13017158592,,86307051933#,,,,*480618# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,86307051933#,,,,*480618# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver) Meeting ID: 863 0705 1933 Passcode: 480618 Find your local number:
Vendor Fair
Social Law Library 1 Pemberton SQ, John Adams CT House, Boston, MA, United StatesWe’re so pleased to be able to bring back the ABLL Vendor Fair again this year! Once again it will be held at The Social Law Library, 1 Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108. Drop in anytime between 11:30 am-1:30 pm. Vendors to be announced shortly.
Welcome Back Party
Yotel Hotel 65 Seaport Blvd, Boston, MAABLL Welcome Back Party!! October 3rd 5:30-8pm Deck 12 YOTEL Boston, 65 Seaport Blvd, Boston, MA Join your ABLL colleagues for drinks and appetizers at the lovely roof-top Deck 12 in the Seaport! Where? At Yotel! There’s No Tellin’ what kind of fun you’ll have at Yotel Deck 12! RSVP to by Friday, Sept. 30th!
LLNE/ABLL Fall Meeting: Chasing the Law of Whaling in the 21st Century
Waypoint Center New Bedford, MA 185 MacArthur Dr,, New Bedford, MA, United StatesSave the Date! More Details to follow. Hosted by LLNE, the Fall 2022 meeting at The Waypoint Center in New Bedford will have a whaling theme. The event will cover both historic themes potentially looking at Melville as a legal historian and also current issues in legal research.
November 17 Virtual Tour of the Trial Court Libraries
ZoomAlexandra Bernson and Robin Bates will present on what resources their libraries have available to Massachusetts citizens and whether access is available online or requires an in-person visit. We welcome questions ahead of time, to help the librarians provide you with specific information that's valuable to you! Email questions and RSVP to:
ABLL Charity Drive
The Insurance Library 156 State Street, FL 2, Boston, MA, United StatesThis year ABLL will be collecting gift cards for The Home for Little Wanderers for a Holiday Charity Drive. 12/12 Deadline.
2nd Annual Gingerbread House Competition
ZoomJoin us via zoom for gingerbread house decorating, and general merriment! No need to decorate a house to attend, cheerleaders and hecklers are welcome as well. For full information, see the post here: to Karen Rutherford: