Maximizing Legal Analytics in Massachusetts State Courts – October 20th @ 1 pm

When: October 20th, 1:00-2:00 pm EST
What: Maximizing Legal Analytics in Massachusetts State Courts for Judge Intel, Opposing Counsel Research and More
Where: Zoom – information below, if you would like an Outlook invite, please respond to
Who: Michael Swarz of Trellis Research

Join the Association of Boston Law Librarians and Trellis Research for an engaging webinar as we cover how legal analytics enables you to analyze the behavior and history of your judge, competitive counsel, prospects and clients to gain crucial insights into litigation history and ruling tendencies. We’ll show you how to leverage Massachusetts state trial court data to be more efficient, more proactive, and achieve better results for your clients. You’ll learn why you need litigation analytics to get ahead.

Topics will include:

* Judicial Analytics and Ruling History
* Helping Atty’s to Draft Stronger Motions, Faster
* Docket Searches and Uncovering Intel on Opp Counsel
* Massachusetts Docket & Ruling Searches & Alerts

Discover how you can leverage Massachusetts state court data to make more informed decisions about resource allocation, be more efficient, more proactive, and achieve better results for your clients. We encourage you to join this informative session to add value to your practice. We’ll get things started October 20 at 1pm EST. Hope to catch you there!

Elliott Hibbler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Elliott Hibbler’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 20, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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